Dr. Laura Suttin


Dr. Suttin is a family physician, consultant, and certified coach.

"I coach women physicians to create the life they love."

The Purposeful MD Podcast

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As a physician, you've sacrificed so much of your life for other people - your patients, your family, your friends, your colleagues. What would it feel like to spend time doing what you enjoy and to live without guilt?

Join Dr. Suttin as she invites you to join her journey towards a truly purposeful life - a life with more time and energy, and ultimately more joy.

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Featured Podcasts and Video Interviews

Guest with Jillian Rigert, DMD, MD - A Life True to You Podscast

Join us as we discuss Dr. Suttin's journey into coaching, the benefits of coaching, and examples of how coaching may be used to take back ownership of your life through setting boundaries and diving into your authentic desires.

September 17, 2022

Top 3 Ways to Set Boundaries For Yourself

Weekly Podcast on Physician Leadership with Elsie Koh, MD EMHL

Listen/Watch as we discuss the following questions. 

1. Tell us why the topic of setting boundaries is so important to you?

2. Give us 3 ways to take away on setting boundaries for ourselves?

3. What is it that prevents people from setting them?

Nov 27, 2022

Instead of focusing on your time, focus on your energy

The Podcast by KevinMD

Finding Your Powerful Voice with Laura Suttin, MD

Doctor Me First with Errin Weisman DO. Female physicians often find themselves in situations of powerlessness in their work. They do not have the power to take a day off, they do not have the ability to take a break or a breath. It often takes a coach or a mentor to step in and help us realize that we can take our power back and prioritize our own health.

Diet Culture is BS

In this episode, Dr. Suttin talks about emotional eating. She discusses what it is, how to identify it, why it's a problem, and what you can do to stop it.

Getting Your New Year’s Resolutions to Stick with Laura Suttin, MD MBA

In this episode, Dr. Suttin talks about emotional eating. She discusses what it is, how to identify it, why it's a problem, and what you can do to stop it.

Unlock the Power of Conversation

Elevate Your Podcast with Me as Your Next Guest

Are you ready to bring an authoritative and engaging voice to your health field podcast? I'm here to offer my expertise as a guest, enriching your show with valuable insights on mental health, boundaries, overwhelm and more. With a background in Family Medical Practice and Certified Life Coaching, I'm passionate about sharing knowledge that empowers your audience to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. Let's collaborate to create episodes that inspire, educate, and leave a lasting impact. Contact me today to schedule a guest appearance that elevates your health podcast to the next level!

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